What Is an Ascender in Fortnite Gameplay

what is an ascender in Fortnite

If you’re new to Fortnite, you may be wondering what an ascender is. An ascender is a tool that allows you to climb walls in Fortnite. It’s a very important tool, and you’ll want to know how to use it if you want to win the game.

What Is an Ascender in Fortnite?

An ascender is an object in Fortnite that helps you reach high places. It is a metal pole with a small, circular handle on top and three prongs on the bottom.

When you find an ascender, approach it and press the interact button (E by default) to grip it. Now you can quickly scale walls and other structures by jumping towards them and pressing the jump button (Spacebar by default) while gripping the ascender.

How Do You Use an Ascender in Fortnite?

An ascender is a device in Fortnite that you can use to get to high ground. It’s a metal frame with a handle and two spikes on the bottom.

To use an ascender, you need first to find a metal frame. There are a few different ways to do this:

  • Look for an orange lightning bolt on the ground. This means there’s an ascender nearby.
  • Find a building with an orange roof. The ascender will be inside.
  • Look for an orange crate. The ascender will be inside.

Once you have the ascender, hold it in your hand and use it to climb up walls. You can also use it to impale enemies.

What Are the Benefits of Using an Ascender in Fortnite?

An ascender is an important tool in Fortnite that allows you to reach high places. If you’re looking to get a higher vantage point in order to spot enemies, an ascender is a way to go.

But that’s not the only benefit. Ascenders also allow you to cross large gaps that would otherwise be impossible. This can be very helpful if you’re trying to reach a building or other location that’s far away.

So, if you’re looking for a way to get an edge on your opponents, make sure to use an ascender in Fortnite. It could make all the difference.

How to Get an Ascender in Fortnite?

There are a few different ways that you can get your hands on an ascender in Fortnite. One way is to find them lying around the map. They’re usually found near cliffs, so keep your eyes peeled when you’re exploring.

Another way to get an ascender is to purchase one from the item shop. They usually cost between 500 and 1,200 V-Bucks, so they’re not too expensive.

Finally, you can also earn ascenders by completing certain challenges. For example, one recent challenge tasked players with using an ascender to reach the top of a mountain. So keep an eye out for challenges that mention ascenders, as they’ll usually give you a free one as a reward.

Ascender Tips and Tricks

If you’re looking to get an edge on the competition, here are some tips and tricks for using the ascender:

  • Use it to climb up steep hills or mountains quickly.
  • Get to hard-to-reach places using the ascender to rappel down from high up.
  • Use it to escape the storm or reach the high ground quickly.
  • The ascender can also be used as a weapon. Use it to bash enemies or knock them off ledges.


What is an ascender in Fortnite?

An ascender is a tool that allows you to climb up walls. It can be found in supply drops, chests, and Floor Loot. When you use an ascender, you will automatically attach yourself to the wall and begin climbing up. You can also use an ascender to reach high ledges you couldn’t normally jump to.

How do I use an ascender in Fortnite?

To use an ascender, simply approach a wall you want to climb and press the “use” button. Your character will automatically attach themselves to the wall and begin climbing up. You can also use an ascender to reach high ledges you couldn’t normally jump to.

Can I use an ascender while carrying a weapon?

Yes, you can use an ascender while carrying a weapon.


The good news is that even though the ascender is a new item, it’s not that hard to use. In fact, all you need to do is press the left trigger on your controller and then direct your character toward the wall you want to climb. Your character will automatically start using the ascender.

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